
240 lines
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create database shop;
use shop;
create table user(
id int primary key auto_increment,
username varchar(64) not null unique,
displayname varchar(64) not null,
email varchar(64) not null unique,
password varchar(60) not null,
role_id int not null default 1,
creation_date timestamp default current_timestamp,
foreign key (role_id) references user_role(id)
) auto_increment = 23001;
create table user_role(
id int primary key auto_increment,
role varchar(32) not null unique
insert into user_role(id, role) values (1, 'normal');
insert into user_role(id, role) values (2, 'admin');
create table user_statistics(
id int primary key,
total_gains decimal(64,2) not null default 0.00,
sell_count int not null default 0,
total_spent decimal(64,2) not null default 0.00,
purchase_count int not null default 0,
foreign key (id) references user(id)
create table product(
id int primary key auto_increment,
seller_id int not null,
name varchar(32) not null,
price_pc decimal(12,2) not null,
image blob,
image_name varchar(64),
foreign key (seller_id) references user(id)
) auto_increment = 13001;
create table cart(
id int primary key,
price_total decimal(24,2) not null default 0.00,
item_count int not null default 0,
foreign key (id) references user(id)
create table cart_item(
id int primary key auto_increment,
cart_id int not null,
product_id int not null,
count int not null,
price_subtotal decimal(12,2) not null,
date_added datetime default current_timestamp,
foreign key (cart_id) references cart(id),
foreign key (product_id) references product(id)
create table purchase(
id int primary key auto_increment,
user_id int not null,
purchase_time datetime default current_timestamp,
price_total decimal(24,2) not null default 0.00,
item_count_total int not null default 0,
was_successful tinyint(1) not null default 0,
foreign key (user_id) references user(id)
create table purchase_item(
id int primary key auto_increment,
purchase_id int not null,
product_id int not null,
count int not null,
price_subtotal decimal(12,2) not null,
foreign key (purchase_id) references purchase(id),
foreign key (product_id) references product(id)
-- Create / Delete statistics with user creation / deletion
create trigger after_user_insert
after insert on user
for each row
insert into user_statistics(id) values (new.id);
insert into cart(id) values (new.id);
create trigger after_user_delete
after delete on user
for each row
delete from user_statistics where id = old.id;
delete from cart where id = old.id;
-- Calculate subtotal of a cart item automatically
create trigger calculate_price_subtotal
before insert on cart_item
for each row
set new.price_subtotal = (
select new.count * p.price_pc
from product p
where p.id = new.product_id
create trigger calculate_price_subtotal_on_update
before update on cart_item
for each row
set new.price_subtotal = (
select new.count * p.price_pc
from product p
where p.id = new.product_id
-- Check for buying from self
create trigger check_for_buying_from_self
before insert on cart_item
for each row
declare seller_id_check int;
select seller_id into seller_id_check
from product
where id = new.product_id;
if new.cart_id = seller_id_check then
signal sqlstate '45000'
set message_text = 'Cannot insert into cart_item. Seller_id and cart_id must be different.';
end if;
-- Cart price updates
create trigger after_cart_insert
after insert on cart_item
for each row
update cart
set price_total = (
select sum(price_subtotal)
from cart_item
where cart_id = new.cart_id
item_count = (
select sum(count)
from cart_item
where cart_id = new.cart_id
where id = new.cart_id;
create trigger after_cart_update
after update on cart_item
for each row
update cart
set price_total = (
select sum(price_subtotal)
from cart_item
where cart_id = new.cart_id
item_count = (
select sum(count)
from cart_item
where cart_id = new.cart_id
where id = new.cart_id;
create trigger after_cart_delete
after delete on cart_item
for each row
update cart
set price_total = ifnull(
(select sum(price_subtotal)
from cart_item
where cart_id = old.cart_id),
item_count = ifnull(
(select sum(count)
from cart_item
where cart_id = old.cart_id),
where id = old.cart_id;
-- Update statistics on purchase
-- TODO Finish me
create trigger on_purchase_update_stats
after insert on purchase_item
for each row
declare seller_id int;
declare buyer_id int;
select product.seller_id
into seller_id
from product
inner join purchase_item
on new.product_id = product.id
limit 1;
select purchase.user_id
into buyer_id
from purchase
inner join purchase_item
on new.purchase_id = purchase.id
limit 1;
-- Update buyers statistics
update user_statistics
set total_spent = total_spent + new.price_subtotal,
purchase_count = purchase_count + new.count
where user_statistics.id = buyer_id;
-- Update sellers statistics
update user_statistics
set total_gains = total_gains + new.price_subtotal,
sell_count = sell_count + new.count
where user_statistics.id = seller_id;
-- Update purchase
update purchase
set item_count_total = item_count_total + new.count,
price_total = price_total + new.price_subtotal
where id = new.purchase_id;