from mysql.connector import Error from typing import Tuple, Union from app.extensions import db_connection class CartService: @staticmethod def add_to_cart(user_id: str, product_id: int, count: int) -> Tuple[Union[dict, str], int]: """ Adds a product to a user's cart. :param user_id: User ID. :type user_id: str :param product_id: ID of product to be added. :type product_id: int :return: Tuple containing a dictionary with a token and an HTTP status code. :rtype: Tuple[Union[dict, str], int] """ try: with db_connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor: cursor.execute("select count from cart_item where cart_id = %s and product_id = %s", (user_id, product_id)) result = cursor.fetchone() if cursor.rowcount == 1: cursor.execute("update cart_item set count = count + %s where cart_id = %s and product_id = %s", (count, user_id, product_id)) else: cursor.execute("insert into cart_item(cart_id, product_id, count) values (%s, %s, %s)", (user_id, product_id, count)) db_connection.commit() except Error as e: return {"Failed": f"Failed to add item to cart. Reason: {e}"}, 500 return {"Success": "Successfully added to cart"}, 200 @staticmethod def update_count(user_id: str, product_id: int, count: int) -> Tuple[Union[dict, str], int]: """ Updates count of products in user's cart :param user_id: User ID. :type user_id: str :param product_id: ID of product to be updated. :type product_id: int :param count: New count of products :type count: int :return: Tuple containing a dictionary with a token and an HTTP status code. :rtype: Tuple[Union[dict, str], int] """ try: if count <= 0: return CartService.delete_from_cart(user_id, product_id) with db_connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor: cursor.execute("update cart_item set count = %s where cart_id = %s and product_id = %s", (count, user_id, product_id)) db_connection.commit() return {"Success": "Successfully added to cart"}, 200 except Error as e: return {"Failed": f"Failed to update item count in cart. Reason: {e}"}, 500 @staticmethod def delete_from_cart(user_id: str, product_id: int) -> Tuple[Union[dict, str], int]: """ Completely deletes an item from a user's cart :param user_id: User ID. :type user_id: str :param product_id: ID of product to be updated. :type product_id: int :return: Tuple containing a dictionary with a token and an HTTP status code. :rtype: Tuple[Union[dict, str], int] """ try: with db_connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("delete from cart_item where cart_id = %s and product_id = %s", (user_id, product_id)) db_connection.commit() return {"Success": "Successfully removed item from cart"}, 200 except Error as e: return {"Failed": f"Failed to remove item from cart. Reason: {e}"}, 500 @staticmethod def show_cart(user_id: str) -> Tuple[Union[dict, str], int]: """ Gives the user the content of their cart :param user_id: User ID. :type user_id: str :return: Tuple containing a dictionary with a token and an HTTP status code. :rtype: Tuple[Union[dict, str], int] """ try: with db_connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor: cursor.execute("select as product_name, count, price_subtotal, date_added from cart_item inner join product on cart_item.product_id = where cart_item.cart_id = %s", (user_id,)) rows = cursor.fetchall() results = [] for row in rows: mid_result = { "name": row['product_name'], "count": row['count'], "price_subtotal": row['price_subtotal'], "date_added": row['date_added'] } results.append(mid_result) return results, 200 except Error as e: return {"Failed": f"Failed to load cart. Reason: {e}"}, 500 @staticmethod def purchase(user_id: str) -> Tuple[Union[dict, str], int]: """ "Purchases" the contents of user's cart :param user_id: User ID. :type user_id: str :return: Tuple containing a dictionary with a token and an HTTP status code. :rtype: Tuple[Union[dict, str], int] """ try: with db_connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor: # get all cart items cursor.execute("select id, product_id, count, price_subtotal from cart_item where cart_id = %s", (user_id,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) < 1: return {"Failed": "Failed to purchase. Cart is Empty"}, 400 # create a purchase cursor.execute("insert into purchase(user_id) values (%s)", (user_id,)) last_id = cursor.lastrowid parsed = [] ids = [] for row in results: mid_row = ( last_id, row['product_id'], row['count'], row['price_subtotal'] ) row_id = row['id'] parsed.append(mid_row) ids.append(row_id) insert_query = "INSERT INTO purchase_item (purchase_id, product_id, count, price_subtotal) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" for row in parsed: cursor.execute(insert_query, row) delete_query = "delete from cart_item where id = %s" for one_id in ids: cursor.execute(delete_query, (one_id,)) db_connection.commit() # clear cart except Error as e: return {"Failed": f"Failed to load cart. Reason: {e}"}, 500 return {"Success": "Successfully purchased"}, 200