// Tag.cs: This abstract class provides generic access to standard tag
// features. All tag types will extend this class.
// Author:
// Brian Nickel (brian.nickel@gmail.com)
// Original Source:
// tag.cpp from TagLib
// Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Brian Nickel
// Copyright (C) 2003 Scott Wheeler
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version
// 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA
using System;
namespace TagLib
/// Indicates the tag types used by a file.
public enum TagTypes : uint
/// No tag types.
None = 0x00000000,
/// Xiph's Vorbis Comment
Xiph = 0x00000001,
/// ID3v1 Tag
Id3v1 = 0x00000002,
/// ID3v2 Tag
Id3v2 = 0x00000004,
/// APE Tag
Ape = 0x00000008,
/// Apple's ILST Tag Format
Apple = 0x00000010,
/// ASF Tag
Asf = 0x00000020,
/// Standard RIFF INFO List Tag
RiffInfo = 0x00000040,
/// RIFF Movie ID List Tag
MovieId = 0x00000080,
/// DivX Tag
DivX = 0x00000100,
/// FLAC Metadata Blocks Tag
FlacMetadata = 0x00000200,
/// TIFF IFD Tag
TiffIFD = 0x00000400,
/// XMP Tag
XMP = 0x00000800,
/// Jpeg Comment Tag
JpegComment = 0x00001000,
/// Gif Comment Tag
GifComment = 0x00002000,
/// native PNG keywords
Png = 0x00004000,
/// IPTC-IIM tag
IPTCIIM = 0x00008000,
/// Audible Metadata Blocks Tag
AudibleMetadata = 0x00010000,
/// Matroska native tag
Matroska = 0x00020000,
/// All tag types.
AllTags = 0xFFFFFFFF
/// This abstract class provides generic access to standard tag
/// features. All tag types will extend this class.
/// Because not every tag type supports the same features, it may be
/// useful to check that the value is stored by re-reading the
/// property after it is stored.
public abstract class Tag
/// Gets the tag types contained in the current instance.
/// A bitwise combined
/// containing the tag types contained in the current
/// instance.
/// For a standard tag, the value should be intuitive. For
/// example, objects have a
/// value of . However,
/// for tags of type may
/// contain multiple or no types.
public abstract TagTypes TagTypes { get; }
/// Gets and sets the title for the media described by the
/// current instance.
/// A object containing the title for
/// the media described by the current instance or if no value is present.
/// The title is most commonly the name of the song or
/// episode or a movie title. For example, "Daydream
/// Believer" (a song by the Monkies), "Space Seed" (an
/// episode of Star Trek), or "Harold and Kumar Go To White
/// Castle" (a movie).
public virtual string Title {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the sort name for the title of the media
/// described by the current instance.
/// A object containing the sort name for
/// the title of the media described by the current instance or if no value is present.
/// Possibly used to sort compilations, or episodic content.
public virtual string TitleSort {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets a short description, one-liner.
/// It represents the tagline of the Video/music.
/// A containing the subtitle
/// the media represented by the current instance
/// or an empty array if no value is present.
/// This field gives a nice/short precision to
/// the title, which is typically below the title on the
/// front cover of a media.
/// For example, for "Back to the future", this would be
/// "It's About Time".
public virtual string Subtitle {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets a short description of the media.
/// For a music, this could be the comment that the artist
/// made of its artwork. For a video, this should be a
/// short summary of the story/plot, but a spoiler. This
/// should give the impression of what to expect in the
/// media.
/// A containing the subtitle
/// the media represented by the current instance
/// or an empty array if no value is present.
/// This is especially relevant for a movie.
/// For example, for "Back to the Future 2", this could be
/// "After visiting 2015, Marty McFly must repeat his visit
/// to 1955 to prevent disastrous changes to 1985...without
/// interfering with his first trip".
public virtual string Description {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the performers or artists who performed in
/// the media described by the current instance.
/// A containing the performers or
/// artists who performed in the media described by the
/// current instance or an empty array if no value is
/// present.
/// This field is most commonly called "Artists" in
/// Audio media, or "Actor" in Video media, and should be
/// used to represent each artist/actor appearing in the
/// media. It can be simple in the form of "The Beatles"
/// or more complicated in the form of "John Lennon,
/// Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Pete Best", depending
/// on the preferences of the listener/spectator
/// and the degree to which they organize their media
/// collection.
/// As the preference of the user may vary,
/// applications should not try to limit the user in what
/// choice they may make.
public virtual string[] Performers {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the sort names of the performers or artists
/// who performed in the media described by the current instance.
/// A containing the sort names for
/// the performers or artists who performed in the media
/// described by the current instance, or an empty array if
/// no value is present.
/// This is used to provide more control over how tracks
/// are sorted. Typical uses are to skip common prefixes or
/// sort by last name. For example, "The Beatles" might be
/// sorted as "Beatles, The".
public virtual string[] PerformersSort {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the Charaters for a video media, or
/// instruments played for music media.
/// This should match the array (for
/// each person correspond one/more role). Several roles for
/// the same artist/actor can be made up with semicolons.
/// For example, "Marty McFly; Marty McFly Jr.; Marlene McFly".
/// This is typically usefull for movies, although the
/// instrument played by each artist in a music may be of
/// relevance.
/// It is highly important to match each role to the
/// performers. This means that a role may be to keep the match between a
/// Performers[i] and PerformersRole[i].
public virtual string[] PerformersRole {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the band or artist who is credited in the
/// creation of the entire album or collection containing the
/// media described by the current instance.
/// A containing the band or artist
/// who is credited in the creation of the entire album or
/// collection containing the media described by the current
/// instance or an empty array if no value is present.
/// This field is typically optional but aids in the
/// sorting of compilations or albums with multiple artists.
/// For example, if an album has several artists, sorting by
/// artist will split up the album and sorting by album will
/// split up albums by the same artist. Having a single album
/// artist for an entire album will solve this
/// problem.
/// As this value is to be used as a sorting key, it
/// should be used with less variation than . Where performers can be broken into
/// muliple artist it is best to stick with a single band
/// name. For example, "The Beatles".
public virtual string[] AlbumArtists {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the sort names for the band or artist who
/// is credited in the creation of the entire album or
/// collection containing the media described by the
/// current instance.
/// A containing the sort names
/// for the band or artist who is credited in the creation
/// of the entire album or collection containing the media
/// described by the current instance or an empty array if
/// no value is present.
/// This field is typically optional but aids in the
/// sorting of compilations or albums with multiple artists.
/// For example, if an album has several artists, sorting by
/// artist will split up the album and sorting by album will
/// split up albums by the same artist. Having a single album
/// artist for an entire album will solve this
/// problem.
/// As this value is to be used as a sorting key, it
/// should be used with less variation than . Where performers can be broken into
/// muliple artist it is best to stick with a single band
/// name. For example, "Beatles, The".
public virtual string[] AlbumArtistsSort {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the composers of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the composers of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the composers, song writers,
/// script writers, or persons who claim authorship of the
/// media.
public virtual string[] Composers {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the sort names for the composers of the
/// media represented by the current instance.
/// A containing the sort names
/// for the composers of the media represented by the
/// current instance or an empty array if no value is present.
/// This field is typically optional but aids in the
/// sorting of compilations or albums with multiple Composers.
/// As this value is to be used as a sorting key, it
/// should be used with less variation than . Where performers can be broken into
/// muliple artist it is best to stick with a single composer.
/// For example, "McCartney, Paul".
public virtual string[] ComposersSort {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the album of the media represented by the
/// current instance. For a video media, this represent the
/// collection the video belongs to.
/// A object containing the album of
/// the media represented by the current instance or if no value is present.
/// This field represents the name of the album the
/// media belongs to. In the case of a boxed set, it should
/// be the name of the entire set rather than the individual
/// disc. In case of a Serie, this should be name of the serie,
/// rather than the season of a serie.
/// For example, "Rubber Soul" (an album by the
/// Beatles), "The Sopranos: Complete First Season" (a boxed
/// set of TV episodes), "Back To The Future" (a
/// serie of movies/sequels), or "Game of Thrones" (a serie
/// with several seasons).
public virtual string Album {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the sort names for the Album Title of the
/// media represented by the current instance.
/// A containing the sort names
/// for the Album Title of the media represented by the
/// current instance or an empty array if no value is present.
/// This field is typically optional but aids in the
/// sorting of compilations or albums with Similar Titles.
public virtual string AlbumSort {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets a user comment on the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A object containing user comments
/// on the media represented by the current instance or if no value is present.
/// This field should be used to store user notes and
/// comments. There is no constraint on what text can be
/// stored here, but it should not contain program
/// information.
/// Because this field contains notes that the user
/// might think of while listening to the media, it may be
/// useful for an application to make this field easily
/// accessible, perhaps even including it in the main
/// interface.
public virtual string Comment {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the genres of the media represented by the
/// current instance.
/// A containing the genres of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents genres that apply to the song,
/// album or video. This is often used for filtering media.
/// A list of common audio genres as popularized by
/// ID3v1, are stored in .
/// Additionally, contains video
/// genres as used by DivX.
public virtual string[] Genres {
get { return new string[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the year that the media represented by the
/// current instance was recorded.
/// A containing the year that the media
/// represented by the current instance was created or zero
/// if no value is present.
/// Years greater than 9999 cannot be stored by most
/// tagging formats and will be cleared if a higher value is
/// set.
/// Some tagging formats store higher precision dates
/// which will be truncated when this property is set. Format
/// specific implementations are necessary access the higher
/// precision values.
public virtual uint Year {
get { return 0; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the position of the media represented by
/// the current instance in its containing album, or season
/// (for series).
/// A containing the position of the
/// media represented by the current instance in its
/// containing album or zero if not specified.
/// This value should be the same as is listed on the
/// album cover and no more than if is non-zero.
/// Most tagging formats store this as a string. To
/// help sorting, a two-digit zero-filled value is used
/// in the resulting tag.
/// For a serie, this property represents the episode
/// in a season of the serie.
public virtual uint Track {
get { return 0; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the number of tracks in the album, or the
/// number of episodes in a serie, of the media represented
/// by the current instance.
/// A containing the number of tracks in
/// the album, or the number of episodes in a serie, of the
/// media represented by the current instance or zero if not
/// specified.
/// If non-zero, this value should be at least equal to
/// . If is zero,
/// this value should also be zero.
public virtual uint TrackCount {
get { return 0; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the number of the disc containing the media
/// represented by the current instance in the boxed set. For
/// a serie, this represents the season number.
/// A containing the number of the disc
/// or season of the media represented by the current instance
/// in the boxed set.
/// This value should be the same as is number that
/// appears on the disc. For example, if the disc is the
/// first of three, the value should be 1. It should
/// be no more than if is non-zero.
public virtual uint Disc {
get { return 0; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the number of discs or seasons in the
/// boxed set containing the media represented by the
/// current instance.
/// A containing the number of discs
/// or seasons in the boxed set containing the media
/// represented by the current instance or zero if not
/// specified.
/// If non-zero, this value should be at least equal to
/// . If is zero,
/// this value should also be zero.
public virtual uint DiscCount {
get { return 0; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the lyrics or script of the media
/// represented by the current instance.
/// A object containing the lyrics or
/// script of the media represented by the current instance
/// or if no value is present.
/// This field contains a plain text representation of
/// the lyrics or scripts with line breaks and whitespace
/// being the only formatting marks.
/// Some formats support more advances lyrics, like
/// synchronized lyrics, but those must be accessed using
/// format specific implementations.
public virtual string Lyrics {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the grouping on the album which the media
/// in the current instance belongs to.
/// A object containing the grouping on
/// the album which the media in the current instance belongs
/// to or if no value is present.
/// This field contains a non-physical grouping to
/// which the track belongs. In classical music, this could
/// be a movement. It could also be parts of a series like
/// "Introduction", "Closing Remarks", etc.
public virtual string Grouping {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the number of beats per minute in the audio
/// of the media represented by the current instance.
/// A containing the number of beats per
/// minute in the audio of the media represented by the
/// current instance, or zero if not specified.
/// This field is useful for DJ's who are trying to
/// match songs. It should be calculated from the audio or
/// pulled from a database.
public virtual uint BeatsPerMinute {
get { return 0; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the conductor or director of the media
/// represented by the current instance.
/// A object containing the conductor
/// or director of the media represented by the current
/// instance or if no value present.
/// This field is most useful for organizing classical
/// music and movies.
public virtual string Conductor {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the copyright information for the media
/// represented by the current instance.
/// A object containing the copyright
/// information for the media represented by the current
/// instance or if no value present.
/// This field should be used for storing copyright
/// information. It may be useful to show this information
/// somewhere in the program while the media is
/// playing.
/// Players should not support editing this field, but
/// media creation tools should definitely allow
/// modification.
public virtual string Copyright {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the date at which the tag has been written.
/// A nullable object containing the
/// date at which the tag has been written, or if no value present.
public virtual DateTime? DateTagged {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Artist ID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz ArtistID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz ArtistID, and is used
/// to uniquely identify a particular Artist of the track.
public virtual string MusicBrainzArtistId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Release Group ID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz ReleaseGroupID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz ReleaseGroupID, and is used
/// to uniquely identify a particular Release Group to which this track belongs.
public virtual string MusicBrainzReleaseGroupId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Release ID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz ReleaseID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz ReleaseID, and is used
/// to uniquely identify a particular Release to which this track belongs.
public virtual string MusicBrainzReleaseId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Release Artist ID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz ReleaseArtistID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz Release ArtistID, and is used
/// to uniquely identify a particular Album Artist credited with the Album.
public virtual string MusicBrainzReleaseArtistId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Track ID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz TrackID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz TrackID, and is used
/// to uniquely identify a particular track.
public virtual string MusicBrainzTrackId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Disc ID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz DiscID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz DiscID, and is used
/// to uniquely identify the particular Released Media associated with
/// this track.
public virtual string MusicBrainzDiscId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicIP PUID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicIP PUID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicIP PUID, and is an acoustic
/// fingerprint identifier. It Identifies what this track "Sounds Like".
public virtual string MusicIpId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the Amazon ID of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the AmazonID of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the AmazonID, and is used
/// to identify the particular track or album in the Amazon Catalog.
public virtual string AmazonId {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Release Status of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz ReleaseStatus of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz ReleaseStatus, and is used
/// to describes how 'official' a Release is. Common Status are: Official, Promotion,
/// Bootleg, Pseudo-release.
public virtual string MusicBrainzReleaseStatus {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Release Type of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz ReleaseType of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz ReleaseType, that describes
/// what kind of release a Release is.. Common Status are: Single, Album,
/// EP, Compilation, Soundtrack, SpokenWord, Interview, Audiobook, Live, Remix,
/// and Other. Careful thought must be given when using this field to decide if
/// a particular track "Is a Compilation".
public virtual string MusicBrainzReleaseType {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the MusicBrainz Release Country of the media represented by
/// the current instance.
/// A containing the MusicBrainz ReleaseCountry of the
/// media represented by the current instance or an empty
/// array if no value is present.
/// This field represents the MusicBrainz ReleaseCountry, that describes
/// the country in which an album was released. Note that the ReleaseCountry
/// of an album is not necessarily the country in which it was produced. The
/// label itself will typically be more relevant. eg, a release on "Foo Records UK"
/// that has "Made in Austria" printed on it, will likely be a UK release.
public virtual string MusicBrainzReleaseCountry {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the ReplayGain track gain in dB.
/// A value in dB for the track gain as
/// per the ReplayGain specification.
public virtual double ReplayGainTrackGain {
get { return double.NaN; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the ReplayGain track peak sample.
/// A value for the track peak as per the
/// ReplayGain specification.
public virtual double ReplayGainTrackPeak {
get { return double.NaN; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the ReplayGain album gain in dB.
/// A value in dB for the album gain as
/// per the ReplayGain specification.
public virtual double ReplayGainAlbumGain {
get { return double.NaN; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the ReplayGain album peak sample.
/// A value for the album peak as per the
/// ReplayGain specification.
public virtual double ReplayGainAlbumPeak {
get { return double.NaN; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the initial key of the song.
/// A value for the initial key
/// of the song.
public virtual string InitialKey {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the remixer of the song.
/// A value for the remixer
/// of the song.
public virtual string RemixedBy {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the publisher of the song.
/// A value for the publisher
/// of the song.
public virtual string Publisher {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) of the song.
/// A value containing the ISRC of the song.
public virtual string ISRC {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the Length of the media represented
/// by the current instance.
/// A object containing the length of
/// the media represented by the current instance or if no value is present.
/// This field represents the label or length of the album the
/// media belongs to.
/// For example, "00:15:00".
public virtual string Length {
get { return null; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets a collection of pictures associated with
/// the media represented by the current instance.
/// A containing a collection of
/// pictures associated with the media represented by the
/// current instance or an empty array if none are present.
/// Typically, this value is used to store an album
/// cover or icon to use for the file, but it is capable of
/// holding any type of image, including pictures of the
/// band, the recording studio, the concert, etc.
public virtual IPicture[] Pictures {
get { return new IPicture[] { }; }
set { }
/// Gets and sets the same value as .
/// The same value as .
/// This property exists to aleviate confusion. Use for track artists and for album artists.
[Obsolete ("For album artists use AlbumArtists. For track artists, use Performers")]
public virtual string[] Artists {
get { return Performers; }
set { Performers = value; }
/// Gets the same value as .
/// The same value as .
/// This property exists to aleviate confusion. Use for track artists and for album artists.
[Obsolete ("For album artists use FirstAlbumArtist. For track artists, use FirstPerformer")]
public string FirstArtist {
get { return FirstPerformer; }
/// Gets the first value contained in .
/// The first object in , or is it
/// contains no values.
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string FirstAlbumArtist {
get { return FirstInGroup (AlbumArtists); }
/// Gets the first value contained in .
/// The first object in , or is it
/// contains no values.
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string FirstAlbumArtistSort {
get { return FirstInGroup (AlbumArtistsSort); }
/// Gets the first value contained in .
/// The first object in , or is it
/// contains no values.
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string FirstPerformer {
get { return FirstInGroup (Performers); }
/// Gets the first value contained in .
/// The first object in , or is it
/// contains no values.
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string FirstPerformerSort {
get { return FirstInGroup (PerformersSort); }
/// Gets the first value contained in .
/// The first object in , or is it
/// contains no values.
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string FirstComposerSort {
get { return FirstInGroup (ComposersSort); }
/// Gets the first value contained in .
/// The first object in , or is it
/// contains no values.
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string FirstComposer {
get { return FirstInGroup (Composers); }
/// Gets the first value contained in .
/// The first object in , or is it
/// contains no values.
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string FirstGenre {
get { return FirstInGroup (Genres); }
/// Gets the same value as .
/// The same value as .
/// This property exists to aleviate confusion. Use for track artists and for album artists.
[Obsolete ("For album artists use JoinedAlbumArtists. For track artists, use JoinedPerformers")]
public string JoinedArtists {
get { return JoinedPerformers; }
/// Gets a semicolon separated string containing the values
/// in .
/// A semicolon separated object
/// containing the values in .
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string JoinedAlbumArtists {
get { return JoinGroup (AlbumArtists); }
/// Gets a semicolon separated string containing the values
/// in .
/// A semicolon separated object
/// containing the values in .
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string JoinedPerformers {
get { return JoinGroup (Performers); }
/// Gets a semicolon separated string containing the values
/// in .
/// A semicolon separated object
/// containing the values in .
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string JoinedPerformersSort {
get { return JoinGroup (PerformersSort); }
/// Gets a semicolon separated string containing the values
/// in .
/// A semicolon separated object
/// containing the values in .
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string JoinedComposers {
get { return JoinGroup (Composers); }
/// Gets a semicolon separated string containing the values
/// in .
/// A semicolon separated object
/// containing the values in .
/// This property is provided for convenience. Use to set the value.
public string JoinedGenres {
get { return JoinGroup (Genres); }
/// Gets the first string in an array.
/// A to get the first string from.
/// The first object contained in
/// , or if
/// the array is or empty.
static string FirstInGroup (string[] group)
return group == null || group.Length == 0 ?
null : group[0];
/// Joins a array of strings into a single, semicolon
/// separated, string.
/// A containing values to combine.
/// A semicolon separated object
/// containing the values from .
static string JoinGroup (string[] group)
if (group == null || group.Length == 0)
return null;
return string.Join ("; ", group);
/// Gets whether or not the current instance is empty.
/// if the current instance does not
/// any values. Otherwise .
/// In the default implementation, this checks the values
/// supported by , but it may be extended
/// by child classes to support other values.
public virtual bool IsEmpty {
get {
return IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Title) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Grouping) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (AlbumArtists) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Performers) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Composers) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Conductor) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Copyright) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Album) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Comment) &&
IsNullOrLikeEmpty (Genres) &&
Year == 0 &&
BeatsPerMinute == 0 &&
Track == 0 &&
TrackCount == 0 &&
Disc == 0 &&
DiscCount == 0;
/// Clears the values stored in the current instance.
/// The clearing procedure is format specific and should
/// clear all values.
public abstract void Clear ();
/// Set the Tags that represent the Tagger software
/// (TagLib#) itself.
/// This is typically a method to call just before
/// saving a tag.
public void SetInfoTag ()
DateTagged = DateTime.Now;
/// Copies all standard values from one tag to another,
/// optionally overwriting existing values.
/// A object containing the source tag to
/// copy the values from.
/// A object containing the target tag to
/// copy values to.
/// A specifying whether or not to copy
/// values over existing one.
/// This method only copies the most basic values,
/// those contained in this class, between tags. To copy
/// format specific tags, or additional details, additional
/// implementations need to be applied. For example, copying
/// from one to another:
/// foreach (TagLib.Id3v2.Frame frame in old_tag)
/// new_tag.AddFrame (frame);
/// or
/// is .
[Obsolete ("Use Tag.CopyTo(Tag,bool)")]
public static void Duplicate (Tag source, Tag target,
bool overwrite)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (source));
if (target == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (target));
source.CopyTo (target, overwrite);
/// Copies the values from the current instance to another
/// , optionally overwriting
/// existing values.
/// A object containing the target tag to
/// copy values to.
/// A specifying whether or not to copy
/// values over existing one.
/// This method only copies the most basic values when
/// copying between different tag formats, however, if
/// is of the same type as the
/// current instance, more advanced copying may be done.
/// For example, will copy
/// all of its frames to another tag.
/// is .
public virtual void CopyTo (Tag target, bool overwrite)
if (target == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (target));
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Title))
target.Title = Title;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Subtitle))
target.Subtitle = Subtitle;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Description))
target.Description = Description;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.AlbumArtists))
target.AlbumArtists = AlbumArtists;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Performers))
target.Performers = Performers;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.PerformersRole))
target.PerformersRole = PerformersRole;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Composers))
target.Composers = Composers;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Album))
target.Album = Album;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Comment))
target.Comment = Comment;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Genres))
target.Genres = Genres;
if (overwrite || target.Year == 0)
target.Year = Year;
if (overwrite || target.Track == 0)
target.Track = Track;
if (overwrite || target.TrackCount == 0)
target.TrackCount = TrackCount;
if (overwrite || target.Disc == 0)
target.Disc = Disc;
if (overwrite || target.DiscCount == 0)
target.DiscCount = DiscCount;
if (overwrite || target.BeatsPerMinute == 0)
target.BeatsPerMinute = BeatsPerMinute;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.InitialKey))
target.InitialKey = InitialKey;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Publisher))
target.Publisher = Publisher;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.ISRC))
target.ISRC = ISRC;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.RemixedBy))
target.RemixedBy = RemixedBy;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Grouping))
target.Grouping = Grouping;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Conductor))
target.Conductor = Conductor;
if (overwrite || IsNullOrLikeEmpty (target.Copyright))
target.Copyright = Copyright;
if (overwrite || target.DateTagged == null)
target.DateTagged = DateTagged;
if (overwrite || target.Pictures == null || target.Pictures.Length == 0)
target.Pictures = Pictures;
/// Checks if a is or contains only whitespace characters.
/// A object to check.
/// if the string is or contains only whitespace
/// characters. Otherwise .
static bool IsNullOrLikeEmpty (string value)
return value == null || value.Trim ().Length == 0;
/// Checks if all the strings in the array return with or if the array is
/// or is empty.
/// A to check the contents of.
/// if the array is or empty, or all elements return for . Otherwise .
static bool IsNullOrLikeEmpty (string[] value)
if (value == null)
return true;
foreach (string s in value)
if (!IsNullOrLikeEmpty (s))
return false;
return true;