using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces;
using NAudio.MediaFoundation;
using NAudio.Utils;
// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
namespace NAudio.Wave
/// Class for reading any file that Media Foundation can play
/// Will only work in Windows Vista and above
/// Automatically converts to PCM
/// If it is a video file with multiple audio streams, it will pick out the first audio stream
public class MediaFoundationReader : WaveStream
private WaveFormat waveFormat;
private long length;
private MediaFoundationReaderSettings settings;
private readonly string file;
private IMFSourceReader pReader;
private long position;
/// Allows customisation of this reader class
public class MediaFoundationReaderSettings
/// Sets up the default settings for MediaFoundationReader
public MediaFoundationReaderSettings()
RepositionInRead = true;
/// Allows us to request IEEE float output (n.b. no guarantee this will be accepted)
public bool RequestFloatOutput { get; set; }
/// If true, the reader object created in the constructor is used in Read
/// Should only be set to true if you are working entirely on an STA thread, or
/// entirely with MTA threads.
public bool SingleReaderObject { get; set; }
/// If true, the reposition does not happen immediately, but waits until the
/// next call to read to be processed.
public bool RepositionInRead { get; set; }
/// Default constructor
protected MediaFoundationReader()
/// Creates a new MediaFoundationReader based on the supplied file
/// Filename (can also be a URL e.g. http:// mms:// file://)
public MediaFoundationReader(string file)
: this(file, null)
/// Creates a new MediaFoundationReader based on the supplied file
/// Filename
/// Advanced settings
public MediaFoundationReader(string file, MediaFoundationReaderSettings settings)
this.file = file;
/// Initializes
protected void Init(MediaFoundationReaderSettings initialSettings)
settings = initialSettings ?? new MediaFoundationReaderSettings();
var reader = CreateReader(settings);
waveFormat = GetCurrentWaveFormat(reader);
reader.SetStreamSelection(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, true);
length = GetLength(reader);
if (settings.SingleReaderObject)
pReader = reader;
private WaveFormat GetCurrentWaveFormat(IMFSourceReader reader)
reader.GetCurrentMediaType(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, out IMFMediaType uncompressedMediaType);
// Two ways to query it, first is to ask for properties (second is to convert into WaveFormatEx using MFCreateWaveFormatExFromMFMediaType)
var outputMediaType = new MediaType(uncompressedMediaType);
Guid actualMajorType = outputMediaType.MajorType;
Debug.Assert(actualMajorType == MediaTypes.MFMediaType_Audio);
Guid audioSubType = outputMediaType.SubType;
int channels = outputMediaType.ChannelCount;
int bits = outputMediaType.BitsPerSample;
int sampleRate = outputMediaType.SampleRate;
if (audioSubType == AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_PCM)
return new WaveFormat(sampleRate, bits, channels);
if (audioSubType == AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_Float)
return WaveFormat.CreateIeeeFloatWaveFormat(sampleRate, channels);
var subTypeDescription = FieldDescriptionHelper.Describe(typeof (AudioSubtypes), audioSubType);
throw new InvalidDataException($"Unsupported audio sub Type {subTypeDescription}");
private static MediaType GetCurrentMediaType(IMFSourceReader reader)
reader.GetCurrentMediaType(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, out IMFMediaType mediaType);
return new MediaType(mediaType);
/// Creates the reader (overridable by )
protected virtual IMFSourceReader CreateReader(MediaFoundationReaderSettings settings)
IMFSourceReader reader;
MediaFoundationInterop.MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL(file, null, out reader);
reader.SetStreamSelection(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_ALL_STREAMS, false);
reader.SetStreamSelection(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, true);
// Create a partial media type indicating that we want uncompressed PCM audio
var partialMediaType = new MediaType();
partialMediaType.MajorType = MediaTypes.MFMediaType_Audio;
partialMediaType.SubType = settings.RequestFloatOutput ? AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_Float : AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_PCM;
var currentMediaType = GetCurrentMediaType(reader);
// mono, low sample rate files can go wrong on Windows 10 unless we specify here
partialMediaType.ChannelCount = currentMediaType.ChannelCount;
partialMediaType.SampleRate = currentMediaType.SampleRate;
// set the media type
// can return MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE if not supported
reader.SetCurrentMediaType(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, IntPtr.Zero, partialMediaType.MediaFoundationObject);
catch (COMException ex) when (ex.GetHResult() == MediaFoundationErrors.MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE)
// HE-AAC (and v2) seems to halve the samplerate
if (currentMediaType.SubType == AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_AAC && currentMediaType.ChannelCount == 1)
partialMediaType.SampleRate = currentMediaType.SampleRate *= 2;
partialMediaType.ChannelCount = currentMediaType.ChannelCount *= 2;
reader.SetCurrentMediaType(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, IntPtr.Zero, partialMediaType.MediaFoundationObject);
else { throw; }
return reader;
private long GetLength(IMFSourceReader reader)
var variantPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf());
int hResult = reader.GetPresentationAttribute(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_MEDIASOURCE,
MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_PD_DURATION, variantPtr);
if (hResult == MediaFoundationErrors.MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND)
// this doesn't support telling us its duration (might be streaming)
return 0;
if (hResult != 0)
var variant = Marshal.PtrToStructure(variantPtr);
var lengthInBytes = (((long)variant.Value) * waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond) / 10000000L;
return lengthInBytes;
private byte[] decoderOutputBuffer;
private int decoderOutputOffset;
private int decoderOutputCount;
private void EnsureBuffer(int bytesRequired)
if (decoderOutputBuffer == null || decoderOutputBuffer.Length < bytesRequired)
decoderOutputBuffer = new byte[bytesRequired];
/// Reads from this wave stream
/// Buffer to read into
/// Offset in buffer
/// Bytes required
/// Number of bytes read; 0 indicates end of stream
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
if (pReader == null)
pReader = CreateReader(settings);
if (repositionTo != -1)
int bytesWritten = 0;
// read in any leftovers from last time
if (decoderOutputCount > 0)
bytesWritten += ReadFromDecoderBuffer(buffer, offset, count - bytesWritten);
while (bytesWritten < count)
pReader.ReadSample(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, 0,
out int actualStreamIndex, out MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG dwFlags, out ulong timestamp, out IMFSample pSample);
// reached the end of the stream
waveFormat = GetCurrentWaveFormat(pReader);
// carry on, but user must handle the change of format
else if (dwFlags != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"MediaFoundationReadError {dwFlags}");
pSample.ConvertToContiguousBuffer(out IMFMediaBuffer pBuffer);
pBuffer.Lock(out IntPtr pAudioData, out int pcbMaxLength, out int cbBuffer);
Marshal.Copy(pAudioData, decoderOutputBuffer, 0, cbBuffer);
decoderOutputOffset = 0;
decoderOutputCount = cbBuffer;
bytesWritten += ReadFromDecoderBuffer(buffer, offset + bytesWritten, count - bytesWritten);
position += bytesWritten;
return bytesWritten;
private int ReadFromDecoderBuffer(byte[] buffer, int offset, int needed)
int bytesFromDecoderOutput = Math.Min(needed, decoderOutputCount);
Array.Copy(decoderOutputBuffer, decoderOutputOffset, buffer, offset, bytesFromDecoderOutput);
decoderOutputOffset += bytesFromDecoderOutput;
decoderOutputCount -= bytesFromDecoderOutput;
if (decoderOutputCount == 0)
decoderOutputOffset = 0;
return bytesFromDecoderOutput;
/// WaveFormat of this stream (n.b. this is after converting to PCM)
public override WaveFormat WaveFormat
get { return waveFormat; }
/// The bytesRequired of this stream in bytes (n.b may not be accurate)
public override long Length
return length;
/// Current position within this stream
public override long Position
get { return position; }
if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Position cannot be less than 0");
if (settings.RepositionInRead)
repositionTo = value;
position = value; // for gui apps, make it look like we have alread processed the reposition
private long repositionTo = -1;
private void Reposition(long desiredPosition)
long nsPosition = (10000000L * repositionTo) / waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond;
var pv = PropVariant.FromLong(nsPosition);
var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(pv));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(pv, ptr, false);
// should pass in a variant of type VT_I8 which is a long containing time in 100nanosecond units
pReader.SetCurrentPosition(Guid.Empty, ptr);
decoderOutputCount = 0;
decoderOutputOffset = 0;
position = desiredPosition;
repositionTo = -1;// clear the flag
/// Cleans up after finishing with this reader
/// true if called from Dispose
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (pReader != null)
pReader = null;
/// WaveFormat has changed
public event EventHandler WaveFormatChanged;
private void OnWaveFormatChanged()
var handler = WaveFormatChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);